New look | Outfit

17 sept 2012

After almost two years being a red-hair, I dyed my hair black ... Well it's a ombre style, but is not red anymore. I feel so different, is amazing how a hair color can define you, I will be honest as soon as I can I will be back in red, but for now my hair needs to rest and get well again.

In another things, I totally forgot about my lovely "rocker boots", three days ago I was cleaning my closet and I found them at the bottom of all the boxes and immediately I started looking for the next outfit. This was a pretty good day, the weather was cool and friendly so I used a three-quarters-top with a black skirt. I felt really confortable and it was super easy for me to run side by side all day!

I haven't said a lot about what I am doing lately, well, I am working as a Co-coordinator of the biggest fashion event in my city (so far). It name is: Innovamoda, and we will have a fashion show full of international designers, but they all have something in common... They are from Tijuana! Ximena Valero, Emedel García and Daniela Villa. We will also have a special guest: Louis Verdad. I'm a crazy, excited and in love about this project! We still have a month to work on it, so expect amazing things! Here is INNOVAMODA's FB fan page! Give it a like to know more about the event!